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stars, sex and nudity buzz : 06/16/2012

Sara Tommasi -  Official Light Tease

Sara's friend/lawyer/ex-lover Alfonso Luigi Marra comments on her porn 'adventure'
(translated the original article but beware my Italian is rusty)
The lawyer said the decision of the model/exhibitionist to debut in a porn movie was motivated by coke addiction.

"Sara Tommasi was full of cocaine" was the second reason that the lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra claims including stating she may have been pushed to make a porn movie . In an interview video posted on the newspaper Libero, Marra spoke of his relationship with the glamor girl and expressed his doubts about the news of the much-talked-about hardcore movie. The lawyer has insisted that their relationship is over for a while but the two continue to be friends. They supposed to meet up few days ago but Sara didn't show up. Marra believes the porn was filmed in Switzerland and he initially did not understand her choice to work in porn. "Sara is unscrupulous but porn is something irreversible to her reputaion. It's one thing is to do a naked video against the seigniorage (bank oligarchs) but shooting a porn movie is different matter together. "Not for me to judge whether a good or bad, but you will never go back". Marra asserts the whole story is yet to come out especially after learning of an interview of Tommasi in which she could not speak well, "Sarah mumbles. According to me it was full of cocaine" Marra said. He stresses that in his opinion she may have been driven to shoot video or still may have been in a confused state. He expects the related authorities will pen an investigation to find out if some criminal elements are involved in Sara's debasement.


Report: Lindsay Lohan Found Unconscious in California Hotel, Taken to Hospital (UPDATE)

Report: Lindsay Lohan Found Unconscious in California Hotel, Taken to Hospital (UPDATE) ABC reports that Lindsay Lohan, currently filming Liz and Dick on location in Marina del Rey, Calif., was found unconscious in her penthouse room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and was rushed to the hospital. Paramedics were reportedly called at 10:15 a.m. Pacific time.
This comes just a week removed from her car accident in Santa Monica. We'll update as we learn more.
Update #1: TMZ follows up ABC's report with reassuring news. LiLo is safe and sound and was not, in fact, taken to the hospital:
We're told someone became alarmed because they could not wake her up and the person called 911.
Paramedics responded, and determined nothing was wrong with Lindsay. They left without transporting her to the hospital.
Lindsay is back on set shooting her Lifetime movie, "Liz and Dick."
As far as we know, Lindsay did not go to the hospital herself.
Update #2: More details from TMZ, here to sooth our momentarily guilt-wracked, devastated souls back into a naturally cynical state:
We're told Lindsay wasn't feeling well after complaining of exhaustion, She called someone from the "Liz and Dick" production team early this morning, and the team sent a private doctor to check on her. Before arriving, the doctor called the hotel and asked someone to check on Lindsay. Someone from the hotel went to her door, "checked on her" and determined she was "unresponsive." The hotel then called 911.
* For all her whorish and addictive behavior, I would been devastated if something really happened to Lindsay. I feel sorry for her. This what happens when you have no proper structural family life or role models during childhood years. Having Michael and Dina as your parents is something I will not wish on any child. Michael represents the worst and (very rare) cliched archetype of a married middle-class Irish-American male. Whines, gripes and moans about everyone and everything that is wrong in his life. Never points the finger at himself unless some tragic events force a change. Fuck that. If something does happens to Lindsay, Michael will even use that as an excuse to elicit sympathy and drowns in pointless self-recrimination. Dina the snake will keep it quiet and silently attempts to make money off daughter's memory. Of course she will be hawking Ali Lohan to highest bidder at the same time. You want to see Irish angst and self-absorption at it worst download and watch Denis Leary's Rescue Me. But I want to stress again Michael and Dina assholeness and selfishness is very much a rarity in Irish-American community.
Lindsay Lohan : Short Point [June 2012]
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Lindsay Lohan : L’Officiel Hommes magazine

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Australian Actors AgentsAgencies Get Leg Up On Talent Down Under As Oz Wave Builds

There’s a record number of Aussie actors and directors toiling in Hollywood — and more on deck. One of the reasons: US and Oz agents are networking more closely than ever. Often, untried talent is being nabbed on tips from agents Down Under. After she appeared in the Australian TV soap Home and Away, UTA signed Abbie Cornish’s 17-year-old sister Isabelle on the recommendation of her Sydney rep, United Management’s Natasha Harrison. WME nabbed Ben O’Toole and UTA secured Ross Langley after each had graduated from Oz drama schools.
“There is definite heat on Australia right now because so many films recently have had a strong, distinctive voice,” UTA literary agent Bec Smith, an Aussie who moved to Los Angeles in 2007, tells Deadline. Those films include Animal Kingdom, Snowtown, Red Dog, Sleeping Beauty and Wish You Were Here, all from first-time filmmakers. Meanwhile, the Weinstein Company recently picked up Cannes feel-good pic, The Sapphires, from debut feature director Wayne Blair, who acted in Wish You Were Here. “There’s a constant flow of talent into the U.S. studio system and that’s helped by the fluidity between U.S. and Australian agents”, says Smith. “We work with them all and see them as our partners.” Smith signed writer-director Ariel Kleiman after his short Young Love screened at Sundance. He’s now set to make his feature debut on Warp Films’ fable Partisan that’s being workshopped at the Sundance Lab.
The number of actors working in the U.S. has “grown enormously,” says Damon Herriman, who has lived in the States for half of each year since 2007 and is playing a member of the Cavendish gang in Gore Verbinski’s The Lone Ranger. Oz native Josh Lawson, of Showtime’s House Of Lies, concurs: ”Australians do have an outstanding success rate here… I suspect there is a cultural influence involved… Our Aussie swagger is sometimes a breath of fresh air in those stuffy casting rooms.”
In 16 years in the business, Oz agent Mark Morrissey has never had as many of his actors working abroad. His clients include the brothers Chris and Liam Hemsworth, Jai Courtney (Jack Reacher, A Good Day To Die Hard) and Callan Mulvey (Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty).
Director David Michôd’s Animal Kingdom was not only a springboard for his own career, but it also gave bounce to actors like Joel Edgerton, Jacki Weaver, Sullivan Stapleton and James Frecheville. Among others who’ve stepped up are Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty), Isabel Lucas (Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups), Socratis Otto (I, Frankenstein), Jane Campion’s daughter Alice Englert (Beautiful Creatures), Alex Russell (the Carrie remake), and David Lyons (The Trials Of Cate McCullough).
Repped by UTA, Michôd is executive producing the Animal Kingdom TV series for Warner Bros and he directed an episode of HBO’s Enlightened. He’s heading home to shoot The Rover, a futuristic thriller starring Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson. Michôd may be an exception amongst helmers; directors whose first films achieve commercial and/or critical success often find it more tempting to accept offers from the U.S. or UK than wait for another gig at home. “Finding films in Australia that are ready to go is pretty unusual,” says Kate Richter of HLA, whose clients include Snowtown’s Justin Kurzel, Wish You Were Here’s Kieran Darcy-Smith and Red Dog’s Kriv Stenders.
Kurzel had planned to move to the U.S. after signing with CAA but relocated to London after Richter introduced him to several UK producers. He’s preparing to shoot Our Kind Of Traitor, the saga of an English couple who become mixed up with a Russian businessman, based on a John Le Carré novel.

* Not to crap on the Aussie parade but I wonder the influx of artists from Down Under has more to do with maximising profits/reducing costs than with importing raw talents. Like Canadians and later Brits, it's Australian artists turn and willingness to bend over and take it deep from Hollywood greedy executives.

Here are some of the reasons why the foreign talents (especially Aussies) are making huge inroads in Hollywood :
[1] Lower pay-demands and rarely push for unnecessary complicated contract clauses and cash incentives. Applied extensively whenever there is need for nudity/sexual situations by American actresses. "No touching or cupping breasts". "No tongue play on the nips". "No tongues period". "No grinding from male side". 
[2] The foreigners have the immigrant attitude towards hard-work. They are far more disciplined and eager to succeed knowing failure means returning home to non-existent film industry=obscurity=fixed and low cash flow.
[3] The Aussie babes are much more open towards sex and nudity. American girls have this wait-and-see approach. Usually waiting until they are in late 20's or early 30's before stripping on-cam. Disrobing when career hits wall and offers drying up quickly. For reference check out Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Scarlett Johansson recent interview about nudity.

I remembered Australian actor Bryan Brown made a heart-felt plea (on an award show few years ago) to fellow artists to stay and develop the stagnating local industry. But the waves of Aussies leaving the country for shot at stardom in LA is pretty much staggering. Every actor (Aus/Brit) from age of 18 to 25 is in Hollywood right now. Just look at new shows/series premiering in the fall and you notice Aussies/Brits in lead roles easily outnumber our talents. How many of them can actually carry a show or act other than look pretty (or smolder in case of the men) on the screen.

I have friends who are silently boycotting movies that have non-American leads. Not sure if it happening anywhere in the country but I observed some well-made movies flop at the box-office. Case in point - Warrior. Terrific movie! Tried to urge my buddies to give it shot. A variation on why-couldn't-they-hire-Americans comes back at me. Maybe it got to do with shitty recession. Fostering unintended resentment and bigotry.

Sometimes the question of quantity over quality comes into equation. Love FOX's Fringe but man...that Aussie chick expression is like she's constipated or something. The same goes with Walking Dead Lincoln character. Maybe the struggle to maintain the American accent but whatever charm they may have or had back in their homeland flicks is sorely missing. 

On a related matter : http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/reporter-interrupted-obama-thought-finished-220343830.html


Everyone says they can tell the difference between a real woman and a tranny...well, now is your chance to prove it! Welcome to the Ultimate Tranny Test. You won't be able to trust your eyes!


The Girl’s Guide to Depravity

by Skinny Dip on June 12, 2012
A few weeks before I went to Vegas I was sent a copy of Girl’s Guide to Depravity: How to Get Laid Without Getting Screwed by Heather Rutman. I’ve been dying to dig in to it and last night I was finally able to sit down and read it cover to cover.

About the book: 
Girl’s Guide to Depravity is a tongue-in-cheek handbook for the modern woman who’s ready to take back control, have a little fun, and do it without getting hurt. Like a down-and-dirty conversation with a depraved friend, this essential guide cuts out all the touchy feely bullshit and urges you to do something bad if it feels good.” 
Heather Rutman is a formerly single (but now settled) woman who spent over a decade dating more than her share of the dicks and douchebags in Hollywood.  Over the years, she was forced to develop her own philosophy on how to deal with them and Girl’s Guide to Depravity was born. Now that she doesn’t need the rules anymore Heather is passing them on to the next generation of depraved girls, who are looking to get laid without getting screwed.
Based on the blog and the Cinemax series of the same name, the entertaining, sometimes shocking, no hold barred book includes 55 rules, how-to’s, charts, quizzes and lots of hilarious, depraved tales about dating and mating in LA.
What to expect: 
DEPRAVITY. Straight up. This book definitely lives up to it’s name. Follow the author and her friends as they drink endless “Xantinis” (Xanax washed down with a martini), pop Ritalin, stalk their crushes and have a lot of sex. I imagine if Chelsea Handlerhad a literary threesome with Hank Moody and Barney Stinson, the result of this bourbon soaked union would be the Girl’s Guide to Depravity.
Keep in mind that the tips in Girl’s Guide to Depravity: How to Get Laid Without Getting Screwed will get you laid no-matter-what….and that means some of them are well, a little crazy (see rule #6 : “Where there’s a pill, there’s a way” and #16 “It’s not stalking if he says where he’s going to be“). If you’re actually going to follow all of the advice in this book, I suggest checking your shame and your conscience at the door with your panties.
You should also expect lots of F-bombs, lots of idiosyncratic lingo (ie. “Cuddle Rapist: Noun. A person who forcibly cuddles another without consent.”), lots of abbreviations  (sometimes to the point of annoyance ie. ‘Gasm instead of Orgasm, ‘Gine instead Vagina etc.) and lots and lots of sex.
The Pros:
This book is definitely highly entertaining and had me LOL-ing on several occasions. Many of the scenarios are completely over-the-top and there were many moments where I was like, “Did I really just read that?”
In a world where we are bombarded with magazine articles like, “How to get him to notice you” and “How to tell if he likes you”, and endless books and services designed to help us find true love, it’s kind of refreshing to read a book that completely throws the old “man pursues woman” formula out the window, and instead encourages women just go after what they want…especially, if all they want is a really good lay.
Although Rutman’s writing is often raunchy, I love that it’s completely unapologetic. While working as a TV producer and writer for NBC,  ABC Family, Lifetime, VH1 and Sony, Rutman has managed to write a blog that’s been turned into a book which has been turned into a TV show. In other words, she’s managed to do what a lot of us bloggers dream of doing which is pretty, freaking, cool.
The Cons:
There is a disclaimer at the beginning of the book that says “If you’re looking for some touchy-feely respect yourself and your body bullshit, call your mother” and it also warns, “Be fully aware that recreating some of the actions you’re about to read about may lead you to be a) punched in the vagina b) banned from the bar c) thrown in rehab d) arrested, or e) all of the above” (see rule #6 that talks about slipping Viagra into a man’s drink to get him in the mood) The book is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. And, as I’ve learned from writing a tongue-in-cheek blog, some people just don’t get tongue-in-cheek. If you don’t enjoy this kind of humor you might just find this book offensive. With chapters like “If You Don’t Know His Girlfriend, She’s Not Your Problem” the book does contain some questionable advice, hilarious but still questionable – the kind of advice that is best taken with a grain of salt and maybe a shot of vodka.


FOR A GOOD TIME, CALL... : Red-Band Trailer 
by Ben Pearson  
(Even though it says it in the title, I need to reiterate that you should absolutely not watch this trailer at work. There are some things in it that will probably get you fired if you work at a normal job.) .
I had the pleasure of seeing For A Good Time, Call
at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, and this red-band trailer is a great repesentation of just how vulgar the film’s comedy is. That being said, it’s actually much more heartfelt that the trailer indicates, and star Ari Graynor (the blonde) turned a lot of heads at the fest and is well on her way to becoming a star. Both of the leads have great comedic timing, Justin Long has a small-but-hilarious role, and there are even some celebrity cameos that I won’t ruin for you (one of which you can see at the end of the trailer).

In Select Cities August 31, 2012
In Theaters Nationally on September 7, 2012

The reserved Lauren (played by Lauren Anne Miller) and the irrepressible Katie (Ari Graynor) are polar opposites... and past enemies. But when both come up short on the funds needed to afford their dream New York City apartment a mutual friend (Justin Long) re-introduces them and they reluctantly agree to room together. These apartment-mates have nothing in common - until Lauren discovers that Katie is working as a phone-sex operator, and recognizes a good business opportunity. But as their business partnership takes off, their newfound friendship finds unexpected challenges that may leave them both, as they say, hanging on the telephone.


Online post reveals the ugly side of nude photography industry in China

Yan Fengjiao was a nude model too, before she was invited to be a guest woman on the popular dating show, If You’re the One. Later when she gained fame on the dating show, tons of her nude photos were exposed online bringing her down. In the beginning, Yan appeared innocent and claimed that she was coerced into taking these photos by an evil businessman from Taiwan. But after further digging, netizens found that those photos were actually her works as a nude model.

“Yan Fengjiao was possibly asked to a hotel room for the nude photoshoot in private or by a group of photography enthusiasts,” said the post. “Maybe there was the sex trade too.”

Simple nude art is to present the beauty and grace of a creature, but in Chinese photography circle, it has been turned into pornography, shamefully. “In fact, the story like Yan Fengjiao’s is staged every day,” the post continued. In this industry, the photography enthusiasts often organized such “simple nudes photography”. And organizers have sufficient source of nude models, each of whom has her own hidden motives, such as making money to support thmeselves, or wanting to be famous.

“The nude art photography industry in China now is in a huge mess. Except for the art teachers and students making nude photography in their art classroom, those that anyone can organize and anyone can work as nude models are purely pornographic activities for me,” the post quoted words of a sociologist.

Jia Jia, a nude model, told when interviewed that any kinds of people can be found in their nude model circle, as its access threshold is low. There are undergraduates, graduates, former prostitutes, and even the women in 30s who just wanted to reduce their stress through this way.

Generally, an organizer organizes the activity in the studio, hotel room or somewhere for photography enthusiasts to participate. And the admission fee is normally 300 to 500 yuan each person if the nude models are not famous. The activity lasts 2 hours, and the group of photographers would be like hungry wolves to gather around the nude models who spread their genital organs wide open to them.

Besides, if a photographer find interests in any model, he can contact the organizer in private, and the cost is around 1000 to 1500 yuan for such a “private photoshoot”.

There are freelance nude models who do not work for agencies (organizers) too. They promote themselves via various connections.

These models are cheap. Most of them earn 3 to 4 thousand yuan a month, while some others make up to ten thousand yuan.



One of my favorite TV-shows from back in the day is revamped as a new cable series and it's better than ever. Dallas with mixture of new and old cast have few things going for it. Absorbing plot, crisp dialogues (quotable quotes as usual comes from guess-who?), gorgeous cast and return of the meanest and conniving s.o.b this side of Texas : J.R.Ewing. TNT have a winner on their hands. Caught the first two episodes and was instantly hooked.


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